LearningRx Privacy Policy

LAST MODIFIED: April 14, 2021

LearningRx, Inc. and its affiliates (including without limitation, PACE TRAINING, INC., BrainRx, Inc., and BrainSkills, Inc.) (“LearningRx,” “us,” “we” or “our”) is committed to protecting the users of the <www.learningrx.com> website, and any related websites (collectively, the “Sites”). This privacy policy (this “Policy”) discloses LearningRx’s information privacy practices for the Sites and the services provided by LearningRx (the “Services”), and is intended to inform users and other visitors to the Sites of the data collection and use practices of the Sites and the Services.

Amendments to this Policy will be posted on the Sites and will be effective when posted. Your continued use of any of the Sites or Services following the posting of any amendment will constitute your acceptance of that amendment. If you do not agree and consent, discontinue the use of the Sites and any of the Services.

If you have questions or concerns regarding this Policy, you should contact LearningRx as provided in Section 20.


  • Your data controller is LearningRx, Inc., to the extent that it is processing your personal data.
  • You can contact your data controller by email at privacy@LearningRx.com or by phone at 719-264-8808. You can also contact the data controller by writing to:
    LearningRx, Inc.
    5085 List Drive, Suite 200
    Colorado Springs, CO 80919, USA


“Personal Information” means information that identifies, relates to, describes, is capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with a particular person or household. Personal Information includes, without limitation, the following if it identifies, relates to, describes, is capable of being associated with, or could be reasonably linked, directly or indirectly, with a particular person or household:

  • Identifiers such as a real name, alias, postal address, hometown, unique personal identifier, online identifier, Internet Protocol address, email address, account name, social security number, driver’s license number, passport number, or other similar identifiers;
  • Information such as signature, physical characteristics or description, telephone number, education, employment, employment history, bank account number, credit card number, debit card number, or other financial information, medical information, or health insurance information;
  • Age and date of birth;
  • Physical information, such as height, weight, body measurements and gender;
  • Images, photos and videos;
  • Characteristics of protected classifications under applicable law;
  • Commercial information, including records of personal property, products or services purchased, obtained, or considered, or other purchasing or consuming histories or tendencies;
  • Biometric information;
  • Internet or other electronic network activity information, including without limitation, browsing history, search history, and information regarding a person’s interaction with an Internet web site, application, or advertisement;
  • Audio, electronic, visual, thermal, olfactory, or similar information;
  • Professional or employment-related information;
  • Education information, defined as information that is not publicly available personally identifiable information as defined in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (20 U.S.C. Section 1232g, 34 C.F.R. Part 99); and
  • Inferences drawn from any of the information identified above to create a profile about a person reflecting the person’s preferences, characteristics, psychological trends, predispositions, behavior, attitudes, intelligence, abilities, and aptitudes.

“Personal Information” does not include publicly available information. “Publicly available” means information that is lawfully made available from federal, state, or local government records, or any conditions associated with such information. In addition, to the extent that any Personal Information is “de-identified,” it will be treated as non-Personal Information, and we may use it without obligation to you, except as prohibited by applicable law.


Information You Provide to Us. We collect Personal Information you provide directly to use via the Sites or the Services. For example, Personal Information is collected when you use or register at the Sites or for the Services, subscribe to any notifications, post on the Sites, participate in promotional activities, apply for a job, communicate with us through the Sites or the Services, or use an application.

Information We Collect Automatically from Your Use of the Sites or the Services. We and our service providers collect information about the Sites and the Services that you use and how you use them. This information includes, without limitation: IP Address, device type, Ad ID, and information about your use of the Sites and the Services (“Usage Information”). This information is collected in part through the use of cookies and pixel tags. To the extent that Usage Information is deemed Personal Information pursuant to applicable law, or is combined with Personal Information, we will treat it as Personal Information under this Privacy Policy.

Information Collected from Other Sources. We collect information about you from third parties, including without limitation, social media, such as:

  • Facebook. LearningRx may allow you to connect a Facebook page or profile to your LearningRx account, in which case we will access certain information from Facebook regarding your account. In particular, we may collect profile image, display name, username/page ID or profile ID, access tokens and sent posts. This includes the content of your posts and engagement data (such as click rates, likes, re-shares, impressions, as well as general engagement counts), to the extent permitted by applicable law. The Sites utilize the Conversion Tracking Pixel service of Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94304. This tool allows us to follow the actions of users after they are redirected to a provider’s website by clicking on a Facebook advertisement. We are thus able to record the efficacy of Facebook advertisements for statistical and market research purposes. The collected data remains anonymous. This means that we cannot see the personal data of any individual user. However, the collected data are saved and processed by Facebook. Facebook is able to connect the data with your Facebook account and use the data for their own advertising purposes, in accordance with Facebook’s Data Use Policy found at https://www.facebook.com/about/privacy. The Facebook tools also allow Facebook and its partners to show you advertisements on and outside Facebook. In addition, a cookie will be saved onto your computer for these purposes.
  • Twitter. LearningRx may allow you to connect a Twitter profile to your LearningRx account, in which case we will access certain information from Twitter regarding your account. In particular, we may collect profile image, display name, username/profile ID, access tokens and sent posts. This includes the content of your posts and engagement data (such as click rates, likes, retweets, re-shares, impressions, as well as general engagement counts), to the extent permitted by applicable law. This data will only be used by LearningRx to provide you with the Services and will not be shared with any third parties.
  • Instagram. LearningRx may allow you to connect an Instagram profile to your LearningRx account, in which case we will access certain information from Instagram regarding your account. In particular, we may collect profile image, display name, username/profile ID, access tokens, and sent posts. This includes the content of your posts and engagement data (such as click rates, likes, re-shares, impressions, as well as general engagement counts), to the extent permitted by applicable law. This data will only be used by LearningRx to provide you with the Services and will not be shared with any third parties.
  • Pinterest. LearningRx may allow you to connect a Pinterest page or profile to your LearningRx account, in which case we will access certain information from Pinterest regarding your account. In particular, we may collect profile image, display name, username/profile ID, access tokens, sent posts, and profile boards. This includes the content of your posts and engagement data (such as click rates, likes, re-shares, re-pins, impressions, as well as general engagement counts), to the extent permitted by applicable law. This data will only be used by LearningRx to provide you with the Services and will not be shared with any third parties.
  • LinkedIn. LearningRx may allow you to connect a LinkedIn profile to your LearningRx account, in which case we will access certain information from LinkedIn regarding your account. In particular, we may collect profile image, display name, username/profile ID, access tokens, and sent posts. This includes the content of your posts and engagement data (such as click rates, likes, re-shares, impressions, as well as general engagement counts), to the extent permitted by applicable law. This data will only be used by LearningRx to provide you with the Services and will not be shared with any third parties.


To Provide Services You Request. If you provide information for a certain reason, we may use the information in connection with the reason for which it was provided. For example, if you contact us by email, we may use the information you provide to answer any questions or resolve any problems. Also, if you provide information about yourself, or have provided (or otherwise permitted the Services to access) any third party data, we will use your information and any such third party data to provide you with access to such services and to monitor your use of such services.

To Operate, Improve and Maintain Our Business and the Services. We may use Personal Information to further LearningRx’s legitimate interests in ways that are not overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of affected individuals.

To Communicate Information about Our Services and for Other Promotional Purposes. We may use the information we collect through the Services to help us in providing the Services and support services, processing transactions, fulfilling requests for information, receiving and sending communications, updating marketing lists, analyzing data and research aimed at improving the accuracy, effectiveness, usability or popularity of the Services, to personalize the content and advertising that you see on the Services and to understand how users interact with and use the Services, to associate your activities, customize content or tailor advertising across different devices and browsers that you use to access the Services or the Sites (for example, computers, tablets, mobile devices, applications and websites), to comply with state, local, federal or international laws, to enforce our Terms of Service and this Policy, as otherwise described in this Policy, or in assisting with other tasks from time to time. Please note that we may combine information that we collect from you and about you (including automatically-collected information) with information we obtain about you from our affiliates and/or non-affiliated third parties and use such combined information in accordance with this Policy.

To Enable Participation in the Services. We may use data collected through the Services to enable you to participate in features such as surveys, polls, tests, contests, sweepstakes, and message boards.

For Marketing Purposes. We may use cookies to help us show ads and to make recommendations for businesses or other organizations to people who may be interested in the products, services or causes they promote. We also use cookies to help measure the performance of ad campaigns and help serve and measure ads across different browsers and device used by the same person.

To Contact You about the Services. We may use data collected through the Services to send communications relating to the Services, in accordance with applicable laws. For example, we may send periodic emails to registered users of the Services relating to their recent interactions with the Services. Also, if you use any feature of the Services permitting you to communicate with third parties, either by submitting third party data to the Services or otherwise permitting the Services to automatically access third party data in your possession, you acknowledge and agree that you have the authority of the relevant third party for us to access and use the relevant third party data and that you have notified these third parties and informed them how their information is collected and used by LearningRx to provide the Services. We reserve the right to identify you as the person who has made the referral in any messages that are sent to them. We may use third party data to (i) contact such third party using the third party data provided, and/or (ii) provide you with an editable template message designed to facilitate the communication between you and such third party through the Services. In addition to sending the foregoing communications, we may also send reminders or related messages to you and to third parties on your behalf from time to time where permitted by applicable law.

If you access the Services through a mobile device, you agree that we may communicate with you regarding the Services by SMS, MMS, text messages, or other electronic means to your mobile device. In the event you change or deactivate your mobile telephone number, you agree to promptly update your LearningRx account information to ensure that your messages are not misdirected. Please note that your wireless service provider’s standard charges, data rates, and other fees may apply where you access the Services through a mobile device. In addition, downloading, installing, or using some of the Services on a mobile device may be prohibited or restricted by your carrier, and not all the Services may work with all carriers or devices.


We rely on the following legal bases to use your Personal Information:

  • Where needed to fulfill our contract with you or to enter into a contract with you on your request, such as:
    • assessing any application for any of our Services;
    • managing the Sites or the Services or a request for or purchase of any products or services;
    • updating your records, tracing whereabouts to contact you about your account and doing this for recovering debt, where appropriate; and
    • sharing your Personal Information with our service providers when you purchase a product or service to help manage such product or service.
  • Where it is in our legitimate interest to do so, such as:
    • managing the Services, updating your records and tracing your whereabouts;
    • to perform and/or test the performance of any of the Services and internal processes;
    • to follow guidance of governmental and regulatory bodies;
    • for management and audit of our business operations, including accounting;
    • to carry out monitoring and to keep records of our communications with you and our staff;
    • to administer our good governance requirements, such as internal reporting and compliance obligations or administration required for our processes;
    • for market research and analysis and developing statistics;
    • for direct marketing communications and related profiling to help us to offer you relevant products and services, including deciding whether or not to offer you certain products and services;
    • subject to appropriate controls, to provide insight and analysis of our users to business partners either as part of providing the Services, helping us improve the Sites or the Services, or to assess or to improve the operating of our business;
    • for some of our profiling and other automated decision making; and
    • where we need to share your Personal Information with people or organizations in order to run our business or comply with any legal and/or regulatory obligations.
  • With your consent, we may use your Personal Information in other ways, including without limitation:
    • for some direct marketing communications; and
    • for some of our profiling and other automated decision making.


LearningRx may share your Personal Information with:

  • LearningRx entities for the purposes and under the conditions outlined above;
  • Service providers processing your Personal Information for business purposes on LearningRx’s behalf, such as for specialized services, including customer support, email and text message deployment, business analytics, marketing, suppression list management and data processing. These third parties are allowed to use your Personal Information to help us provide the Services and not for any other purpose;
  • Co-Branded Partners are third parties with whom LearningRx may jointly offer a service or feature. You can tell when you are accessing a service or feature offered by a Co-Branded Partner because the Co-Branded Partner’s name will be featured prominently. You may be asked to provide information about yourself to register for a service offered by a Co-Branded Partner. In doing so, you may be providing your information to both us and the Co-Branded Partner; or we may share your information with the Co-Branded Partner. Please note that the Co-Branded Partner’s privacy policy may also apply to its use of your information;
  • Other third parties to the extent necessary to: (i) comply with a government request, a court order or applicable law; (ii) prevent illegal uses of the Sites or the Services or violations of the Sites’ Terms of Use and our policies; (iii) defend ourselves against third-party claims; and (iv) assist in fraud prevention or investigation; and
  • To any other third party where you have provided your consent.

We may also share your information in connection with a substantial business transaction, such as the sale of LearningRx, a merger, consolidation, asset sale, or in the unlikely event of bankruptcy.

We do not sell your personal data.


In accordance with and as permitted by applicable law and regulations, we will retain your information as long as necessary to serve you, to maintain your account for as long as your account is active, or as otherwise needed to operate our business. When you close your account, we may continue to communicate with you about the Services, give you important updates that may affect you, and let you know about products and services that may interest you, unless you have opted out of receiving marketing communications. We may also continue to use some of your information for business purposes and to improve our offerings or in some cases to develop new ones. We will retain and use your information as required by applicable laws and regulations and LearningRx’s detection and prevention of fraud. We will also retain and use your information for anti-doping purposes, as permitted by applicable law and regulations.


We use a variety of technical, administrative, and organizational security measures, including without limitation, encryption and authentication tools in certain circumstances, to maintain the safety of your Personal Information. Despite our efforts, no website, mobile application, database or system is completely secure or “hacker-proof.” You can help keep your information safe by taking reasonable steps to protect your Personal Information against unauthorized disclosure or misuse.


We provide you with a choice whether to receive certain e-mails. We provide you the opportunity to “opt-out” of having your Personal Information used for certain purposes. If you are a user of the Sites or the Services and you no longer wish to receive e-mail, mail, or telephone calls from us or have your e-mail address or postal address shared with third parties, you may opt-out of receiving e-mail, mail, or telephone calls from us or having your e-mail address or postal address shared with third parties. All opt-out requests can be made by emailing us at privacy@LearningRx.com, or writing us at:
LearningRx, Inc.
5085 List Drive, Suite 200
Colorado Springs, CO 80919


Where possible, the LearningRx server automatically recognizes each visitor’s IP address. We also collect information about how visitors use the Sites (for example, what pages are viewed). This information allows us to improve the content of the Sites, the Services, and facilitate market research.


When you interact with the Sites or use the Services, we try to make that experience simple and meaningful. We use a variety of methods, such as cookies, web beacons and pixel tags to collect information about your use of the Sites or the Services; for example, to record session information, such as items that users viewed, and to save certain information about users of the Sites and others who visit the Sites, in order to facilitate and enhance interaction with the Sites and the Services.

Some advertising and technology partners may also collect Personal Information when you use the Sites or the Services. These partners have committed to act as service providers on LearningRx’s behalf and have committed to only use the Personal Information for LearningRx’s purposes as described in this Policy.

A cookie does not collect or keep your name or other Personal Information; however, we may link the information obtained through cookies to other Personal Information to give us a better understanding of your preferences, so that we can provide a more meaningful experience to you on the Sites and with the Services. A number of cookies we use last only for the duration of your web or application session and expire when you close your browser or exit the application. Other cookies are used to remember you when you return to the Sites or the Services and will last longer.

We may use cookies and similar technologies to collect information about your access and use of the Sites. For example, we may use cookies or other technologies that: (i) allow you to navigate and use all of the features provided by the Sites; (ii) customize elements of the layout and/or content within the Sites and remember that you have visited us before; (iii) identify the number of unique visitors we receive; (iv) allow us to provide you with a customized experience; and (v) inform us how you use the Sites and the Services (including how long you spend on the Sites or using the Services) and where you have come to the Sites from, so that we can improve the Sites and the Services and learn which functions are most popular with users. As we adopt additional technologies, we may also gather additional information through other methods.

Most web and mobile devices automatically accept cookies, but, if you prefer, you can change your browser to prevent that or to notify you each time a cookie is set. You may consult the “Help” section of your browser for more information. Please note that by blocking any or all cookies, you may not have access to certain features or offerings of the Sites or the Services.


Certain websites of LearningRx’s affiliates, promotional partners, advertisers, sponsors, and other third-party websites are accessible through the Sites. These third-party websites have their own privacy and data collection policies and practices. LEARNINGRX IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ACTIONS OR PRIVACY POLICIES OF SUCH THIRD PARTIES. YOU SHOULD CHECK THE APPLICABLE PRIVACY POLICIES OF THOSE THIRD PARTIES WHEN PROVIDING PERSONAL INFORMATION THROUGH LINKED WEBSITES.


In addition to the specific third parties noted in this Policy, LearningRx may also contract with other third parties to provide various services to LearningRx relating to the Sites on an outsourced basis rather than performing the services itself. By visiting the Sites, all visitors consent to LearningRx providing both Personal Information and non-Personal Information received from those visitors to these third-party providers for the purpose of enabling the third-party provider to provide these outsourced services to LearningRx. In addition, all visitors consent to the collection, maintenance, and processing of their Personal Information and non-Personal Information by LearningRx and these third-party providers.


Some users (in particular, European Union users) have certain legal rights to obtain information about whether we hold Personal Information about them, to access Personal Information we hold about them, and obtain its correction, update, amendment or deletion in appropriate circumstances. Some of these rights may be subject to some exceptions or limitations. We will respond to your request to exercise these rights within a reasonable time. Not all rights are available to all users. Rights to which you may be entitled include:

  • Data access rights;
  • Right to restrict;
  • Right of rectification;
  • Right to erasure;
  • Right to object to processing;
  • Right to withdraw consent; and
  • Data portability rights.


The Sites are not directed to children. For purposes of this Privacy Policy, “children” means children under 13 years of age. Notwithstanding the foregoing, LearningRx understands that the Sites may be accessed by children. We recognize the need to provide further privacy protections with respect to personal information that may be collected from children on the Sites. For additional information about our practices regarding children’s personal information, please read the Children’s Privacy Policy at the end of this Policy.


LearningRx is headquartered in the United States and has affiliate offices and partners in other countries. Please be aware that information you provide to us or that we obtain as a result of your use of the Sites or the Services may be collected in your country and subsequently transferred to the United States or another country in accordance with applicable law. The privacy and data protection laws in the country to which your information is transferred may not be equivalent to such laws in your country of residence. By using the Sites or the Services, or providing us with your information, you consent to the collection, international transfer, storage, and processing of your information.


We collect information you provide to us in applying for a job or completing the employee onboarding process. Personal Information we collect during these processes includes, without limitation, name, address, phone number, Social Security Number, sex, marital status, dependent information and employment-related information. This may include criminal records (where permitted by law) and right to work information. This information may be collected by an authorized service provider on LearningRx’s behalf.

We use the Personal Information described above only for the purpose of evaluating job applicants and administering the employment relationship, including without limitation, payroll and benefits information. We share Personal Information with service providers for the limited purpose of administering these services. We do not sell, rent, trade, or otherwise share this Personal Information.


If you are a California resident, you may have rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act (the “CCPA”). Below is a general description of rights under the CCPA. These rights may not apply under all circumstances or to all categories of Personal Information.

  • The right to know what Personal Information is being collected and shared, including:
    • The categories of Personal Information we have collected;
    • The categories of sources from which the Personal Information is collected;
    • The business or commercial purpose for collecting or selling Personal Information;
    • The categories of third parties with whom we share Personal Information; and
    • The specific pieces of Personal Information we have c